Sunday, November 27, 2005

Earthquake in China

We learned of the earthquake in China this morning. It occured in the Jiangxi Province, which borders Hubei Province to the south and east. Most of the casualties and damage caused by the quake affected people in the Jiangxi Province, although apparently some fatalities occured in the Hubei Province as well. We have arrived in Wuhan and we are safe. The quake was reported to have been felt here in Wuhan, but no damage or casualties resulted.

Our hearts go out to the many thousands affected by the quake. We are pleased to report that we are safe and still plan to receive Emily tomorrow.


At 12:15 PM, Anonymous said...

Hocutts . . . This is Kay at the SCS. I have been thinking of you all day both spiritually and mentaly. Am thankful today has come and Emily Hocutt is on her way home (almost).

Thank you for your diary. I truly want to know how everything is going.


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