Slack, Miller & Doak: Technical Communicator as Author

I am a writer

Slack, J. D., Miller, J. M., and Doak, J. (1993). The technical communicator as author: Meaning, power, authority. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 7(1), 12-36. While this article could feel dated (it was published over 20 years ago), its message is as relevant and meaningful today as it was when it was released. And I…
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Barton & Barton: Ideology and the Map

Barton B. F., & Barton, M. S. (2004). Ideology and the map: Toward a postmodern visual design practice. In J. Johnson-Eilola & S. A. Selber (eds.), Central works in technical communication (pp. 232-252). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Summary: Maps have ideology. This is hardly news at this point. However, the authors’ focus in different…
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Dobrin: What’s Technical about Technical Writing

Dobrin, D. N. (2004). What’s technical about technical writing. In J. Johnson-Eilola & S. A. Selber (eds.), Central works in technical communication (pp. 107-123). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Dobrin offers this brief definition of technical writing: “technical writing is writing that accommodates technology to the user” (p. 118). He offers this “new” definition in response to previous definitions…
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