Carnegie Classification

The fall 2010 census led to significant changes at my institution. We discovered that the 2010 realignment of Carnegie Classification categories affected the ability of our division, a professional and continuing education unit, to grow beyond boundaries strictly defined and regulated by the Carnegie Classification system. For an entrepreneurial continuing education unit, this realignment significantly affected the programs we could offer and the number of students we could recruit. The result has altered our business process and models. We are careful about recruitment, careful about the number of FTEs we have each fall (the time of the census), and careful to keep the number of graduate students within set limits. Our division was not the only unit affected by the realignment; all divisions of the university ultimately were affected, if only by the setting of a maximum number of FTEs that each division can enroll as of the census date. The connection of the Carnegie Classification to other measurement and ranking tools, like US News & World Reports rankings, is fraught with concerns about power politics, monetary influence, and manipulation of rankings based on Carnegie Classification.
Library of Congress Card Catalog: CC-licensed image from Flickr user Glyn Lowe
Don’t forget that these differences also impact that “types of work” you talked about in your goals post.
I’m glad you are thinking image…not seeing it?
It’s the Featured Image, and it appears in listings (like at but not on the post page itself. Which is odd to me, and probably worth looking into at some point. Probably a CSS setting I can hack when I have the time…