Mindmap #5: Operationalizing Theories

lego assembly line vizualization

In this week’s mindmap, I started thinking about big-picture issues, like operationalization and agency. Theorized vs. Operationalized In terms of operationalization, I added nodes for Theorized and Operationalized, relating to each of the theories we’ve discussed to date. I found Hardware/Network descriptions matched Genre Tracing as operationalized, while the other theories were, as the name…
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Reading Notes: A New Spinuzzi on Genre

Apple computer form factors - image

Summary This is a book about operationalizing understandings of genre. Spinuzzi is interested in practical, user-friendly applications of genre theory and activity theory in professional contexts. He introduces genre tracing as a methodology “for studying these ephemeral, invisible, ubiquitous innovations” (p. x) — workplace innovations, practical solutions to work-a-day problems that arise in an organization….
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